Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I was right. Sunset is at 7. phew

Sunday, September 2, 2007

But it's not my fault!

"Are you suuuuuure?"
I get that question a lot from my mother and my fiancee. They know me well. In spite of my best efforts in the research and development department of my brain, I'm always rushing to production. My brain must be outsourcing to China.

Here's the most recent potential lead recall:
When I was planning the wedding, I thought sunset would be a great time. The wedding itself could enjoy some daylight, but the rest of the party would be after dark - people drink more after dark. That's the right atmosphere for a cocktail party. has a wonderful "plan ahead" area that gives you all sorts of helpful information about average temperature, rainfall, and sunrise/sunset. I found a table that listed all this information. October is the driest in Georgia (I didn't know that), and the average temperatures on the 20th are perfect - 45-71 degrees (I DID know that). I love October.

According to this chart, sunset is at 6:57 pm. When you include "civil twilight," or dusk, I'd have another half hour after that of light. It was perfect. It was planned. The "are you suuuuure?" came from my mother, warning me about congress' decision to extend daylight savings time. I know about that (I listen to NPR, dammit. I know what's going on in the world). And knows about it.

I mailed the invitations.

The next day I was checking, and found something called a "sunset calculator." Guess what - we're getting married 1 hour after sunset. oops.

But I checked. I really did!