Friday, November 21, 2008

Dexter & Dee Dee's Big Adventure

Andy came over for a trimmy trim today, and the occasion of visitors is always stressful at my house. We're working with Dee Dee to get her to calmly greet visitors. I keep a treat in my pocket, and a leash on her collar to pull her down from the jumping, and a diaper to prevent the peeing. Yeah, she's that bad.

But she did well today, barely jumping, and somewhat minding me. I was very proud. It gets better every time. She's such a smart girl.

We quickly went to the kitchen and closed the bottom of the farm door so the dogs would stay out of the hair. They barked a couple of times, then seemed to relax. About 20 minutes later, they were so quiet that I even yelled around the corner, "y'all are being so good!" My phone rings, and I ignore it. I do NOT interrupt a service, thank you. Then it rang again. ok, something's wrong.

As I picked up the call from Jim, I came around the corner and saw the wide-open front door. Fuck. The dogs got out.

Jim was calling to tell me that the neighbor had Dee Dee. As he told me this, I spy Dexter. He hadn't gone far. He made it to an ivy-covered island that he's probably been eyeing from the other side of the fence. He'd been planning to dig that hole for years.

I ran to the diagonal neighbors - an incredibly sweet retired couple. They had Dee Dee in the kitchen (still in her diaper - how embarrassing), and were petting her and loving on her.
She let me know that another girl used to lose her dog all of the time. And, OH YEAH, "I think she lived in your house!" She seemed really tickled by that.
Good Neighbors are awesome.