Thursday, March 27, 2008

My HOA Meeting

Every time I go, I imagine it is going to be a Gilmore Girls town meeting with colorful characters and pithy commentary between myself and the other too-hip-for-this-town girl that is sure to be sitting next to me. Our Taylor is named Jackie, but their haircut is similar.

Instead, I was shown just how little people of my generation are involved in their communities. Most of the attendees have been coming to these meetings for 30 years. Most of my neighbors are NOT this old. There are 192 houses in our neighborhood. I'd be surprised if there were 40 people in that room. Our friends, who are popular, and seem to know everybody in Tucker, have lived on this street for 10 years, and have never attended a meeting. (That run-on sentence is intentional for effect, just in case you were offended by my grammar just now.)

I don't understand. Why wouldn't you want to make sure that the people who live closest to you are familiar and friendly? Supposedly plenty of people show up to the picnic party. Jeez.
The problem goes like this: The HOA is run by old people. It is kept alive through newsletters taped to our mailboxes. Young families don't have time to go to meetings in the middle of the week. We need web sites. The HOA don't understand Web sites. But the good news is - a couple of neighbors were sounding like they were volunteering to do it. That's great. I hope they do.

Ok, vent over.
There were some colorful characters though: One guy asked the visiting police officers what the rule is about shooting an intruder. And another started her question with "My husband was in World War II..." Awwww.


Anonymous said...

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heder said...

I just stumbled on to your blog. It's cute! And I like finding fellow Atlanta-based blogs. I too, have that experience with my HOA. I went once because flyers going all over the condos indicated some major drama at the next meeting. But it was mostly old, argumentative people. Boooring. In a previous post, you were looking for photo help, I'd suggest Flickr or Picasa for sharing. My mom does use Snapfish for printing pics too. Happy blogging!