Saturday, July 21, 2007

Feelin' bad

My esthetician said that Venus is in retrograde causing chaos. That must be it.

First, my best friend's dog took her last walk recently. Kita was special. She did a great Elvis impression.
Second, my client's mother told me that my client's three-year-old son drowned at the lake a couple of weeks ago. He leaves behind a twin brother. When I saw her at the salon, she was almost as medicated as I would require. Yeah, yeah, I know kids can drown in seconds. I'm sick of people saying that shit. I've heard that on the local news, thanks. You can't heal a broken heart, ever. Her heart will need a bandage change a day for the rest of her life. But the free-bleeding may end in a few years.
Third, another client's best friend told me that my client's 48-year-old son died of a heart attack while playing tennis. That's why I want to live my life as if tomorrow were my last day. People may think that I'm irresponsible, but I won't die wishing I'd played more tennis.
Fourth, a client put her dog down as well. She drank wine before her appointment. I like wine.
Fifth, a friend is leaving his relationship of many years. It's time for them. But that will not make the process any easier. But I want to be there for him.
Finally, there are some birds in my yard that are missing feathers. I understand why domestic birds have no feathers - they are miserable, caged creatures who are acting out because of their frustrations. But why would I see a bald cardinal? Sad.

So I'm drinking more wine than the surgeon general would suggest. And eating white pizza (in other words garlic pizza). And I may watch Bridge to Terabithia because my client said that it's a good cry.


VH Reid said...

I'm sorry sweetie. Have another glass. I'll have one too.

VH Reid said...

What the hell is going on in your 'hood?

Dogwood Girl said...

Hope today is better than yesterday and tomorrow is even better.