Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Tomato Plant is a Diva

The count officially reached five tonight.

I don't like tomatoes. They are squishy, and gross, and ruin everything they touch. Unless they are a)made into a sauce of some sort or b)breaded and fried while still green and accompanied by a light dollop of goat cheese.

In light of my bigotry against tomatoes, it may be surprising to you that I installed a tomato plant in my backyard, in the "vegetable garden" underneath my kitchen window. I just thought I should, since I needed some sort of vertically-growing plant in the space, and it seemed a good complement to the snow peas (resulting in a single yummy stir-fry), peppers (currently being eaten by slugs I believe), lettuce and spinach (won't try that again), cauliflower (not enough rain/watering), and herbs (did well for a while, not anymore) that shared the 5'x5' space.

But I didn't just buy any random pot from Home Depot. I thought ahead and purchased a roma tomato plant. "I'll make sauce out of them," I've been explaining to anyone who will listen. But after the first fruit appeared, and the second quickly followed, nothing.
Just two, lonely, oblong green tomatoes.
Len said I could make a ketchup packet.

But two more babies appeared a few days ago, followed by a third, all on the same sprig. It's doing alright, my little (5-6 foot) tomato plant. I talk to it at least once a day, and I've been spraying the blooms with... stuff. I dunno - it's supposed to give me more fruit. Whatever. I think it just likes the attention.

1 comment:

Dogwood Girl said...

Dude. If you are going to have a blog, you gotta update it.